The Party Of Nixon
Thursday, June 4, 2009

Fabio Rojas has a theory:
[C]onservative politics was not �Sreborn⬝ after the Goldwater campaign in 1964 and cemented by Reagan. Instead, the Nixonites allowed this new ideological trend to be the face of the party, but they retained control over the institutional functions of the party, as evidence by Nixon�"s resurgence. This observation explains a lot of other puzzling feature of Republican politics. This is not the party of small government, it�"s the party of national security. The party of individual liberty and self-reliance is actually the party of �Senhanced interrogation.⬝ The idea tying it together is national security, with superficial appeals to whatever helps win the election.The Party Of Nixon
[Source: Good Times Society - by The American Illuminati]
posted by 71353 @ 1:28 AM,
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